Friday, January 30, 2009


So I got called at around 7:45 PM Thursday night by the lady who is in charge of the residential program that I work for.  One of the guys that I used to take care of had to be admitted to the hospital and because of his needs, he needed to have staff stay with him at the hospital overnight.  So...lucky me, I am currently pulling an overnight (1 AM-8 AM)!  I am going on only 3 1/2 hours of sleep too.  Right now, I am doing pretty okay with energy, but I have a feeling in another couple of hours I am going to really feel it.

Tonight is Kyle's Homecoming game.  So........after class gets out at 1:50 PM, I am headed to pick up my friend Allison's apt. key because Chan, Troy, Randie, and I will be staying there so we can get a little extra sleep before working at the Simmi sale tomorrow.  After that, pick Troy up from the babysitter, head home and hopefully get a little sleep, Kyle's game at 7, and then back into Macomb.  What a crazy day!

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